Never. Never in the 15 day life of Menu: Impossible have we come so close to victory. This is today’s story… in picture!
Blake Light and I were busy at work: equal parts preparing for our 2 o’clock meeting and refreshing facebook for the clue that was to drop before noon. Blake Light was good to go with her running shoes on, keys in hand, and an “Eye of the Tiger” in her heart. Wink Wink was next door getting on her own shoes and doing some stretches to prepare for the chase. I, Hot Sushi, was not allowed the comfort of tennis shoes or stretching, as I was being punished for yesterday’s lack of participation.
Then it came, a picture of B. Canlis with Seattle Sounders’ head coach, Sigi Schmid, “reminiscing.” We were on it like Wink Wink on mac ‘n’ cheese: Memorial Stadium. Running to the elevators and cutting off more than one co-worker to nab our ride down, we raced through the lobby and around the corner to where Blake Light’s car awaited us.
After some tailgating and a few illegal u-turns (par for course with Blake Light behind the wheel), we were deterred by red light after red light.
We finally approached our destination, parked one too many blocks away and started to run. Wink Wink, being the law-abiding citizen that she is, suggested we pay for parking. Blake Light, being the outlaw that she is, said no.
Again. Wink Wink was not happy, but the prospect of the $4 lobster kept her momentum up.
After searching the parking lot for our way in, we found the entrance and made our way to our meal ticket. Only to be met by a field hand with the greeting. “Been found.” Wink Wink collapsed, not from exhaustion of running a quarter mile in a skirt – no – from the disappointment that hung heavy on her heart.
COME ON! We were under 10 minutes! Unless you are practically sitting on B. Canlis’ lap (slow down, Wink Wink) when the clue is released, what chance does a three-man team have in achieving their dreams? We thought we would at least be in time to meet the man himself, B. Canlis, but he too was already gone.
Despite our FAIL! our spirits were somehow lifted.
(Note that above picture will also be the cover of our forthcoming emo album)
This is the first clue that we actually had a chance at! We figured it out and were on the ball, lickety split! Our training and drills have been paying off. So, while we walk away empty handed, we walk away with our heads held high and a message to B. Canlis: reservation for 3 please, because we are on our way.