Friday, October 29, 2010

Day 9: 41 Menus To Go

Clue: “T.U-Dub”

Hot Sushi, on assignment. What we knew: the clue was not being released until 5 o’clock, giving the Menu: Impossible team ample time (off work) to continue the search for our holy grail. This was our day! What we didn’t know: how wrong we were.

Blake Light and Wink Wink were stationed downtown, enjoying some pre-holiday shopping, while I was covering the Magnolia/Ballard/Fremont sectors. I had settled in at home to study up and fulfill my civic duty of voting – don’t forget to vote everyone!! We seemed to be in good position and were all just waiting for the next post. Then it came: “T.U-Dub”. While Wink Wink was in the dressing room trying on the latest fashions, Blake Light was fast as lightning on creative possibilities. The obvious choice was University of Washington related… Tacoma Campus? An unknown Thompson Building? The not so obvious choice was Desmond Tutu (“T” “U” “Dub” or doubled = TUTU). That Blake Light – can’t drive too well, but boy is she clever. Taking advantage of our technological age, I got the options from Blake Light and started my search. Unfortunately, Desmond Tutu was on Semester at Sea, making him an unlikely hiding place (maybe next time, Rev!).

Along with all the others on the hunt, Tacoma seemed like the most logical and we were quick to accept our day’s FAIL. Boy are we kicking ourselves now. After being revealed that the Fairmont used to be the site of the Territorial University of Washington and was currently the menu’s location, Blake Light and Wink Wink were fit to be tied, having been so close, yet so far away. I too tasted bitter defeat as my devotion to success grows stronger each day and yet remains unrealized.

When Canlis?? When will we see our dreams become reality? We are good people (mostly… Wink Wink can’t help herself sometimes) and we are not asking for the moon. Just a menu or three. Well, there is always Friday.


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