Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Day 5: 45 Menus To Go

Clue: 605 x 138 = 62

So I, Wink Wink, was enjoying a quiet Saturday morning with my brother, Little Wink. We had just finished a home-cooked breakfast and were settling in to watch some college football when I decided to check Facebook on a whim. To my surprise (and amazing timing) I saw that Clue #5 had just been posted!! I read it to Little Wink and thought "Man, it’s way too early on a Saturday to be doing math". But Little Wink, the genius he is, Googled the numbers with Seattle and came up with the Space Needle – genius! It’s 605 feet tall, 138 feet wide, and was built in 1962. It took us about .73 seconds to decide that we were going to get there from Green Lake as fast as my aging car could take us, pajamas and all.

After a near run in with a police car and a potential red light, we made it to the Needle, where I told Little Wink to run while I paid the meter. Running through Seattle Center with my jammies on and hair a mess, people were staring, but I didn’t care. I was on a mission. Little Wink and I even considered at that moment applying for the Amazing Race due to our amazing clue solving skills.

At the Space Needle, we split up running different directions around the base. After searching every nook and cranny, even going inside the gift shop, I decided to check FB again to see if anyone posted more clues. Someone found the menu 1 minute earlier! I was heartbroken. As was Little Wink.

We left Seattle Center feeling clever, yet defeated. We had figured out the clue in record time – this was the first clue our group had actually figured out! But we were one minute late. Should I have opted for flip flops instead of sneakers when throwing on shoes? Should we have hopped in Little Wink’s car, which may be more reliable? Should I have driven right up to the Space Needle instead of parking a block away, risking a ticket and possible tow, yet potentially finding the menu? I guess we’ll never know.


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